V i s i o n  STRATEGY

Vision Strategy Fitness EXERCISES are here! A program including 5 rigorous 45-minute exercise classes plus talks, walks and workshops in a lecture series with 2 field trip opps challenges your structure to see accountability and 'sustainability' in today's realities for not just planet but humanity, and lends a quick, 5-Second exercise for convenient, in-the-course-of-a-day, benefit. See our Corporate, Tech,  Academia and Sciences Packages and these--NEW! Try FREE 5-Second MICRO Vision Strategy LFOs onTwitter.com/nygoldtours

Life Fitness Obligations. A 21st Century Responsibility. Vision Strategy. Only at NY Gold Tours. Requirements for today's currencies and vibrance. 

MICRO LFOs introduced on Twitter @nygoldtours October 2022. Learn about Vision Strategy exercises while they're in development on Youtube.com/@vsKicksYogaAss. Check back and/or follow us on Twitter for the complete offering of FREE 5-Second MICRO LFO Life Fitness Obligation exercises offered to date, plus lots of fun relevance and science on our very own, very NEW Vision Strategy field. We invented and coined the terms and concepts Vision Strategy and Vision Statement, and continue to bring forward relevant, pertinent content solutions to perplexing situations of our business and world day.

[see class example here]